Whom You Spend Most of Your Time Will Change Your Destination

With whom we choose to have a frequent conversation determines not only our present peace of mind but also it has the power to decide our future path and destination. We all have different goals in life. We all have our own habits. We keep our habits or change it based on our needs and […]

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Work With Small Ideas Without Ego

Starting small sounds like an effortless task. But if we attach our value to it, we'll never get that idea off the ground. Someone with 10 years of programming experience might find launching an AI wrapper or directory website below their talent. But there are plenty of talented developers, including juniors, who make more money […]

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Failure is Part of the Entrepreneur’s Journey

“Entrepreneurs do not fail, businesses do”. You may have heard this phrase or something similar many times. As for as I know, it is far from the truth. Because, if you term someone as a successful entrepreneur, then there should be a failed entrepreneur too. If there is no failed entrepreneur, then there are no […]

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Use Physical Activities to Overcome Emotional Pain

It is in human nature to avoid pain. But without going through the pain, we cannot achieve anything meaningful in life. Be it business or in personal life, we need to learn to handle pain. There are many ways to handle pain. One of the simple way is doing daily physical workout. Lift weights or […]

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Suffering is Not Success

Purposeless suffering is more dangerous than purposeless laziness. Because purposeless suffering mostly misleads us with the false belief that we are doing something meaningful. All the achievements require various struggles and suffering, but not all the suffering will cause achievement. If we know why we are suffering and for what, we will have better control […]

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